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About Guardian Angel

"In a world where the "internet of things" connects everything and everyone, comes the smartest smart object ever!"

Guardian Angel is a smart device that provides you with the convenience of a personal assistant that is seamlessly integrated to the web and all of your smart belongings. Guardian Angel can carry out innumerable tasks. It can tell from reading your vitals that you are getting sick, so it contacts your doctor and authenticates your prescription, which it dutifully picks up. Reading the contents of your smart refrigerator, it tells you’re out of milk, so it picks that up on the way home as well.

Your Angel patiently waits on a charging station on the rooftop, then sensing that you are leaving the building from your GPS tracker, it flies down and follows you home. You can purchase your own Guardian Angel drone by signing on to Pick from one of 3 models, and in 2-3 business days that drone will fly right over, ring the smart doorbell, and be at your service!


The Guardian Angel Team